Chapter 36 - Erotic and Electric Hypnosis
Warning: Whatever I write about, don’t try it at home. Never. Alright, it’s time to continue with my blog posts. I think you noticed I was kind of amazed by erotic hypno files. I shot a video but I haven’t told you much about it yet. First, why this? My basic idea was that this would prevent me from overthinking everything I do. It seems my brain can’t stop. Would this help? Would this improve, or deepen my experiences during my electric experiments? Second, it felt sort of sexy. It did. I don’t know why but I chose Bambi Sleep Files. I guess those were the first ones I noticed and I gave it a go. After an initial session I decided to get rid of certain files - I didn’t need anyone telling me to like “a juicy c*ck” or so. This didn’t click and it wouldn’t serve my purpose. And if you know me, you know why. It’s not just about electricity, but there’s also the other why. To my surprise, the files … I have to admit here, they work! I don’t know what it does to my non-native speaker brain...