Chapter 30 - Crossing Electrostim Limits or Is Reality So Different from Assumptions?

Warning: Whatever I write about, don’t try it at home. Never.

It seems nearly in all my sessions, I've done all that I was warned not to do.

When I shared a picture of my new ammeter, people jumped in and says never go above 65mA or you'd kill yourself. And it seems I've always gone above this limit. Why? And why am I still alive? This technical or slightly scientific blog post is all about my explanations.

Why All the Measurements

I decided to measure voltage and current to know where to start with my sessions and get the feelings I like. Again and again. Often, I'm too cautious and for the first run I set the intensity too low. And my body doesn't shake etc. And I need to go for a second or a third run. Knowing what the basic intensity is would help make the first run the desired one, i.e. the orgasmic one.

I've found out I could measure only voltage and current. Based on my knowledge and practicalities. I tried voltage, now it was time for currents.


I searched the internet a bit recently. It seemed the body resistance should be around 1000 Ohms or 500 Ohms at least. Considering I was not able to go higher than 17 Volts (see one of my previous blog posts), the current should be something like 34mA. At maximum. Using the simple equations I remember from school - Ohm’s Law goes like R = V / I.

This is why I bought the ammeter with the scale from 0 to 50mA. I was convinced it was enough.

I also learned on the internet that currents higher than 10mA feel painful. 65mA would stop one's heart beating, 100mA would stop you breathing. 100 or 200mA is thought to be lethal. All this was another interesting input. It’s good to know the limits.


Maybe you've seen my new control panel. It is not finished yet (still missing the cool labels etc.) - but it works.

I prepared my standard electric masturbation session … lying on my stomach … and very soon I realised that going above 10 Volts means the scale of my ammeter is not adequate. The needle went far to the right and out of the ammeter’s scale. I mean ... the ammeter measuring the ... lower circuit. Let’s call it like that.

The upper circuit ... I hope you understand what I mean ... showed something like 40mA at maximum voltage I could take (16-17V). That means half of it per parallel body part, i.e. 20mA. As these body parts are mostly fat (excuse my biology, but I believe this simplification is not far from reality), it makes sense they are not very conductive. And my electrodes are not very small, so this is why I can take it. 20mA is more than painful 10mA, so it should be painful according to the online resources. But the feeling was as always - nipples being sort of pulled down, later (and with higher "intensity"), all the boobs felt heavy and were pulled down. This was the feeling with eyes closed.

But back to the lower circuit ... I remember I read somewhere the resistance could change substantially with lubrication, someone said the difference could be of an order of magnitude. Which could be ... alarming!

But, wouldn't I feel such a change in my previous sessions? I've never felt any big difference. Is it because I always use a lot of conductive gel? Is this enough to mitigate the potential problems?

The reality was relieving. It seems the resistance really decreased after ... obviously, after an orgasm. But it was not an order of magnitude kind of change. I calculated it could be something like 270 Ohms before and 200 Ohms after.

I was not able to measure the lower circuit maximum current. The needle went out of the scale. But calculations using 17V (something that seems to be my maximum) show the current might be something like 84mA.

Conclusions So Far

First, the current in the lower circuit exceeds what is deemed safe values by many. I was not able to measure it, the new ammeter is on its way, but 84mA looks alarming.

Is it alarming?

Some say that the lower circuit is so far from my heart etc. that it doesn't matter. If you read this blog post, I'm definitely alive. But I might've been lucky so far, this is also a possible explanation.

Second, pre and post-orgasm currents are not so different. This is nice to know. It makes it all more predictable and safer, in the end.

Third, I must admit I'm not really sure the measured values are correct.

Some of you analysed the file I share and realised the frequency used there is 742Hz. Which is much higher than the ammeters are designed for - I expect these are designed for 50-60Hz, for the electrical sockets, basically.

I suspect the reading might be lower than the real value. But I'm not really sure. Any comments appreciated, as always.

Also, I noticed the current changed a little every time I moved my legs, meaning I changed something in my crotch, used muscles or simply changed the geometry of my body and the current path in it. The change seemed to be very slight, I think it was about +/- 2mA.

Final Conclusion

Maybe I should not have gone this path. I knew it might bring more questions about safety. And it did. When the values are visible, it's very different suddenly.

On the other hand, I believe it's still a good step towards repeatability of my sessions. I mean, the repeatability of the desired feelings. Orgasms? Maybe.



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