Chapter 23 - Q&A Session Again! (Experiment 35B)

Warning: Whatever I write about, don’t try it at home. Never.

Ok, while I’m uploading the latest Q&A session video (experiment 35B) to the internet I’ve got some time to write about it.

I collected 41 new questions, if I’m right - thank you to all who submitted them.

And I changed the basic stimulation that runs while I’m supposed to answer the questions. There are random increases in intensity. In the end these proved to be too high, but I’ll come to that. I thought it would be nice to make it all harder for me.

I also used a new chair. Covered in plastic and I covered myself in plastic, too. I strapped myself with a plastic tape to it. Electrostim-punk, I said to myself when I first saw the video I shot.

Back. The rest of the setup stayed the same.

Well, maybe one more thing. Because my heart rate was too high, over 130 bpm when I got strapped, I had to wait a bit. My app made me listen to what Wikipedia says about vulva first. Not the whole article, but part of it … something like 25 minutes of it, to be more precise.

I thought it would make me listen and calm down. But I watched the screen all the time. The rate went below 120 bpm sometimes, but I was so excited … it stayed there.

I also had so many thoughts in my head. That’s me, obviously. That’s why I like electrostim, because it prevents me from thinking when I’m stimulated hard. At least, I think that’s one of the reasons. The main one? Probably. Or … very likely.

Some of the thoughts were about my electrodes. Would it work as expected after 25 minutes? Or would it dry and be less conductive? Well, not down there … you know. But what about my nipples? I desperately wanted to experience that electric heavy boobs feeling.

The session finally started and I think vulva had helped a bit. I was much calmer and even when there were peaks, my heart rate stayed much lower. That's good news.

The electricity felt … so strong! After so much time from the setup my body didn’t remember the intensity and was not used to it. The newly added random peaks really made answering questions much harder as I had less brain capacity.

To be honest, after the first peak I thought I couldn’t make it. I knew that the increase in intensity is still there and when the first peaks felt so strong, how would it feel in a minute? It made me hurry up with the questions.

The questions were quite similar to the first run, the first session. Well, most of them. I thought there would be something more intimate, something I don’t want to answer publicly. But there wasn’t anything like this. OR! In hindsight, I think my willingness to answer anything was influenced by the stronger stimulation. Maybe I was less cautious? I think so, but I’m not really sure.

There’s always one question you can’t answer with yes or no. And some about my preferences. There was also a totally new type of questions: one involving calculation and the other one about the number of weeks in a year. Why would I skip these?

After a while, I intentionally skipped the one that promised a strong stimulation. And I got it. Again, it was the shortened version of experiment 01. The peaks of increasing intensity causing huge sexual arousal, yet too short and too strong to cum.

It was just a few minutes long but I totally lost any idea about time. I was just a cunt waiting for another peak and I breathed deeply when intensity decreased. I mean, before the next increase to another peak. No chance to think. My boobs were heavy and their perceived weight pulled them down. And my cunt, or better, my vagina, my inside was sort of pushed up into my stomach.

And suddenly, the intensity of another peak was so high that my body started shaking involuntarily.

My legs were totally uncontrollable, muscles contracting with electricity. I just heard the slightly squeaking sound of plastic rubbed on plastic … Boobs pulled down and cunt pushed up. There was nothing else around me at that very moment.

I was sitting on the chair unable to do anything. Time passed incredibly slowly.

Relief! The intensity dropped for a moment just to start another increase to the next peak. My boobs grew heavier and all my crotch - already squeezed by my chastity belt - was crushed by the force of electricity. The current rubbed my slit, went through my clit and everywhere around and very clearly squeezed my vagina from the inside and pushed it more and more up into my body.

The couple of seconds lasted minutes. I was no more than my electrocuted cunt at the moment. No thoughts. Nothing else. Just my cunt that wanted even more current.

The peak ended. I expected another one but the shock session stopped. Was I disappointed? Sometimes I feel I’d like to be stuck in such a situation forever. My cunt wanted to go on, or sure.

It took me some time to go back to reality.

Back to reality, it meant, back to answering all the questions again. I was quite fast for the second time and also the random increases in intensity felt much milder than in the first run. My boobs and cunt got used to something stronger, that’s it.

I cheated with one question, I confess. In the first run, I didn’t understand what it was about. It said: “Did you answer this question before?” In the second run, I finally realised it was a trap. In the first run I answered NO, in the second run … the right answer would be YES! And it would be different from the first answer … And I would be punished for changing the answer. And I cheated here. I clicked NO.

My rationality, my brain won. I was not stimulated enough at that exact moment to switch my mind off. I thought I spent an hour or so being stimulated and … No, there’s no excuse. I’m afraid I must find a new concept. It was not fair.

Before I finished editing the video and this blog post, I collected new questions. Well, people submitted them. I’d like to use those questions, yet I don’t know how. I need new logic in my game. Something that would not allow me to cheat. And something that would provide my cunt more electricity.


P.S. Please note that the picture is just a (non)artistic illustration, not a real scheme.


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