Chapter 21 - Q&A Session (Experiment 35)

Warning: Whatever I write about, don’t try it at home. Never.

To be honest, I couldn't wait for this session. I woke up early in the morning and couldn't stop thinking about it. I got 52 questions from different internet users and I was extremely curious how it would look.

Regarding the questions, I just downloaded them to my computer and I really didn't look at them. That would spoil the game - I was proud of myself I had made it. It was hard, you know.

I managed to prepare everything. Two cameras, electrodes, heart rate monitor and my power bow. All connected. All ready. Yet, I didn't have a proper electric chair, but I thought I couldn't wait for it. I had to run it as soon as possible.

I wore my shiny black high boots and I had a wonderful camera view of the high heels and myself ... but the camera would have to be underground, I'm afraid. I must learn a lot - which is nice. I love learning.

All these practical issues helped me get rid of the thoughts about the session itself. How long would it be? How many times could I get shocked?

Finally, I tightened the straps around my legs, my waist, and my left hand. The right hand was free so I could control a computer mouse. Not ideal, but this was the only interface to control my app - I mean, starting it and selecting my answers.

A free hand, you may think. Yet it would be very hard to stop anything as there was no panic button in my app and the power box and everything was not within my reach. While being stimulated, it gets quite hard to concentrate and move ... or whatever. I guess you know.

I clicked "READY".

The artificial voice explained the rules. By clicking "START" I'd accept that my body would be subjected to the experiment.

I clicked "START".

The electric stimulation started. The artificial voice said it would increase the current steadily and it would be perceived as very strong at about ten minutes. So I should answer the questions as fast as I can.

The electrostim was slightly stronger than I expected and my first thought was about the setting - wasn't it too strong overall? How would it feel in case of electrostim shocks or orgasmic stimulations? I was not able to change it easily. I felt it quite a bit in my boobs, that buzzing feeling, and much more in my crotch - the electricity was flowing through my cunt and it was quite hard to concentrate on anything else. But the strong feeling was probably caused by the fact it was my very first session of the day and my body was not used to it.

I decided to focus on answering the questions.

I was surprised the users were very kind to me. The questions were very easy to answer and I thought, hey, there would be no stimulation or any shock! I wanted one badly.

The questions were like "Can you still think, or are you just a brainless lust puppet at this moment?"; or simpler like "Do you fear the next question?" (I did.)

Suddenly, I'd laugh if I had no gag. "Do not answer this question to receive an orgasmic stimulation."

That's it! I clicked "SKIP" - there was no way to answer it anyway, and the stimulation session started.

The current just got higher and higher and my boobs grew heavy and my cunt was squeezed by electricity. I love the feeling yet I found it too strong. But it was incredibly arousing to sit there, legs spread open and intimate parts stimulated. Another increase in intensity caused a near orgasm. I remembered there should be another one soon. And here it was. My body gave up and climaxed. It wasn't a big orgasm but an unavoidable one. Squeezed by the current, I waited for another slight increase ... And for another orgasm. And a relaxation period ... And another orgasm. The third one? And one more increase, a longer one was announced by the artificial voice. I orgasmed immediately and the rest of the high intensity period I felt how my cunt was rubbed hard by running electrons or ions or whatever from inside of my body.

I was totally unaware how I got back to the questions. It was so fast!

But the questions started from the very beginning and here came one of the unexpected challenges. There were questions easy to answer, but there were questions not fit for a simple YES or NO. So I clicked anything in the first round. But now I had to pick the same answer or I would be shocked. And after the orgasms I didn't feel like that. Well, not yet.

Surprisingly, I managed to answer all the questions and ... there was the end. I sat surprised on my chair and I tried to recollect how it all felt.


No shock session.

Were there really 30 questions? It felt so short!

No shock session ...

Maybe ...

Maybe I could select 3 more questions (there were 22 left unanswered)  and try a short session with that shocking bit?

I had to untie all the straps to get to my computer and I selected 3 random questions - had not read them again - but I made sure I knew that skipping the second one would lead to a shock session.

I also ... I wonder, could you guess what I did?

Yes, I think you know me. I also increased the overall intensity settings.

I sat back on a chair. Checking electrodes. Heart rate monitor. Straps. Clicking "READY" and "START" and the stimulation started. A stronger one.

I answered the first question.

I skipped the second one, as planned.

And the app selected a shock session for me - as planned.

It started with an intensity increase that turned off my brain and I was not able to think what kind of a session it was. Only after some time I realised it was a short version of experiment 01. At that time, my whole body was squeezed by the current, my boobs felt incredibly heavy and my vagina felt like being pushed up into my stomach. I couldn't feel my clit anymore, it was just one huge feeling that made me incredibly horny yet the way the experiment is designed doesn't make me orgasm.

I felt like there was no need to use the straps. All my body felt so heavy that I couldn't imagine any force that would get me out of the chair. Tied up or not.

A short version, I thought ... After several peaks I was sure that should be the last one. But there was another peak, and stronger again. All the feelings got so intense - the weight, pressure, arousal. And a relaxation period ... and another peak.

I was stuck on a chair, eyes closed and my whole body was buzzing with the current. Heavy. Squeezed. Horny.

Another peak. There was nothing I could do. The feeling I love and yet … I cannot describe it.

Was this the last one? No? The current didn’t stop and was increasing again.

I was in a slow motion movie. Just a few seconds lasted so long it was incredible. All my crotch was rubbed by the strong current.

Suddenly, the current stopped and the app went back to questions. I clicked the two remaining answers like in a dream and it was all over. It felt like hours.

I will need some time to think about it more now. I mean the whole experiment 35. How it went and what I really experienced. But I’d like to say thank you to all who submitted their questions and help me experience all this. Maybe, I can use the unanswered ones in my next session?




  1. Hey, great post, I watched the video on manyvids, and I was wondering, how does the AI voice work, I wish to implement it in my own sessions

    1. It's not an AI, it's just an artificial voice. Computer generated. Just something saying aloud what is expected to say. Preprogrammed for certain situations. For certain system states. There's no intelligence behind that :-)


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