Chapter 22 - Q&A Session Afterthoughts

I still think a lot about the latest session. I mean, the Q&A one. I want to write down a few thoughts here.

First, I was very surprised by the questions. It was too easy to answer any one of them. I thought I would struggle and think hard about the answers, or rather about whether I should skip it and ... you know. But nothing like that happened.

Too easy. And I thought answering the questions might be harder than ... than showing my naked body or so. For me, the words are more important than what one can see. The words are behind the images, behind all that you can see, for me. That’s why I had so many expectations before the session. But it was too … too smooth.

Should I use more questions? Thirty per session is not enough - maybe? Would it be harder then?

Also, the basic electric stimulation was probably too weak and the intensity increased too slowly, so there was no pressure to answer quickly. And it didn't make answering - or thinking about the questions and answers - much harder. It would be hard in five minutes, but I was much faster and I got to the last one before I was absorbed by the feeling of the current flowing through my body.

Should I make the electrostim stronger from the very start? I think I should.

The strangest thing. I finally remembered I had a heart rate monitor and I could use it. But! The heart rate monitor display failed in the session, it stopped almost immediately, but I was so busy that I didn't notice. Was I really so busy? It's interesting, because I thought it was a piece of cake. I mean, answering while being stimulated.

Anyway, I should pay more attention to it. Interestingly, the monitor was functioning in my second session where I intentionally skipped one of the questions. And during the resulting very strong electrostim the rate went up to 181 bpm, which is a surprisingly high rate for me. I searched the internet yesterday and the results said the rate should be 220 bpm minus the age at maximum. Or 200 bpm minus the age? Anyway, I might be getting close to the limit, which I find disturbing a bit. On the other hand I started with quite a high rate - I was nervous, trying to make it all work, trying to shoot the experiment with two cameras ...

I should find a way to relax and be calmer ... and hopefully have a lower heart rate than 120 bpm. For the start. How shall I do it? No idea.

I've just checked the questions. The database contains 65 items. 1 test question, 30 used in the first session, 3 in the next one. 32 left. I want to find a way to use them. Definitely.



  1. It depends on your heart rate monitor but you might be able to use the actual heart rate as a variable factor to increase/decrease the estim levels/pattern in some more (or less :D) useful way.
    E.g. raise the punishment levels if you are below a certain heart rate, decrease it if you peaked some rate you consider as "normal maximum". I don't think 181 is that big of a problem when in heat of the action. Heart rate is a total book on it's own as well as our little special hobby.. You need to monitor it over several weeks to get some kind of trend because it can vary each day and even then everybody is different.

    1. If 200 minus age is maximum bpm, it would be quite alarming, that's all. How far beyond a maximum can one go?

      And using the data online, this should be possible. Thank you for reminding me.

  2. Some more idea:
    Randomize the questions in the second round.
    Have a few special "items" in the first round where you e.g. have 10 seconds to memorize a 8 digit number, next time a color or a poker card, etc.
    Let your java app ask you for the (hopefully wrong memorized) items in the second round.
    Answering y/n questions when shivering is one thing but trying to memorize or even try to solve some more or less complex calculations is a different story ;)

    1. Thank you for your ideas.

      My idea of the questions is based on an assumption that these are, or could be, very personal, very intimate. This makes it harder to answer, and answering publicly is ... quite strange, hard, not very common. I thought I'd feel aroused by this fact. Memorizing numbers, cards or colours would be ... simply mechanical Not arousing at all. Makes sense?


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