Chapter 9 - The Kinky Electric Dream

Warning: Whatever I write about, don’t try it at home. Never.

I had a kinky dream.

In that dream, I worked as a nurse. Or better, I looked like a nurse, but I think I was just an assistant to the doctor. She was a very strict lady, by the way. And everybody called her just “The Doctor”.

I worked in a strange facility - it wasn’t a hospital, it was … a stranger place. I worked in the part where only women were … the patients?

How did I get the job? I didn’t know. I didn't remember.

Why was it all strange and kinky? My job was to place electrodes on women before … before … well, before they were subjected to one of the electric experiments. In most cases, it was the first one for them when they entered the facility.

Normally, a woman came, talked with the doctor in the next room for about ten minutes and then she went into the main room where my place was. The doctor asked whether she had more questions, but no one ever had.

And my job started there.

The women were already in their simple hospital clothes and I had to ask them to undress. “Fully?” they asked sometimes. “Oh, yes please. You know the procedure,” was my answer.

They were … it was always a strange situation for both of us. Sometimes we were not alone in the room, sometimes the doctor stayed, or there was another nurse just to watch and learn how things should be done. Or to check whether I did everything right - I didn’t know. I was fully absorbed by the strangeness of my job there.

“Please, lie down,” and I pointed to a sort of hospital bed. White with white straps here and there.

“I’m going to start down here,” and I went to the middle of the bed, “Don’t be afraid, I’m going to tell you what I’m going to do. Please, spread your legs a bit first.”

I had to have a look at what type of vulva they’ve got. And chose the right electrode. Because the shape and size matters here. I was told the electrode should really fit.

“I must have a look to choose the right electrode for you. I must touch you … ok.”

It was easier and easier every time. The electrodes were partly insertable - I was told it should touch the G-spot inside the vagina - and attached there was a foldable part to touch the area around the clit.

“I’m going to insert the vaginal electrode now. It’s nothing to be afraid of, just relax.”

I remember the scent. All the different scents.

I slowly and carefully inserted the lubed vaginal part of the electrode and then … “I must spread your lips to attach the clitoridal electrode, just relax.”

Sometimes it was hard. My task was to find the right way to attach it - it had to stay at the right spot whatever happened. And I had to attach it to all the different types of vulva. Sometimes I used tape, sometimes I had to use straps around the waist to hold it all in the right position. I tried to do my part as best as I could.

“Yes, that’s it,” I used to say, “Relax, this is all down there. Now I must have a look at your breasts, you know.”

The women were mostly silent. Nervous? Maybe. Sometimes they just sighed. Sometimes I noticed they moved their muscles inside … they were probably curious what was inserted and attached to their pussies.

Ok. The breasts … it was easy to attach the electrodes, those were just bigger round pads that should cover nipples and areolas. Or the centre of areolas, when they were too big. I secured them with tape.

“And now we’re almost ready. Don’t be afraid, the experiment just takes about ten minutes.” They looked at me and said nothing.

“I must strap you down. Not that you’d like to move, but it’s for your own safety. Please, spread your arms.” And I tightened the straps on their wrists.

One more strap on the waist.

Straps below the knees to keep legs spread.

Ankle straps.

“One more strap on your neck. It will stay loose, don’t be afraid.”

It was all very fast. I was getting better and better at it.

I stood behind the woman, now totally strapped down. “We’re almost ready. I’m going to insert a ball gag, fasten it, and put on headphones for you. And you’re going to listen to the instructions. There’s really nothing to be afraid of.” I tried to smile. But I had no idea, in fact. I was just told so.

Sometimes I felt I should … caress the woman’s face. I did it. Sometimes.

The doctor then set something on the devices in the room. Sometimes she asked me to leave, but sometimes I stayed. Silently watching the surreal scene.

There was something heard from the headphones, a female voice. Explaining it's just the introductory experiment, or so.

And then it all started.

The doctor told me that this experiment consists of short periods of increases of intensity to quite high levels, and these are quite arousing, but too much. After the peak, the intensity drops, but it’s not relaxing at all, the current stays quite strong. And this pattern repeats on and on, but being stronger and stronger, so the subject - this is what the doctor says - can’t get used to it. The doctor calls this session electric rape.

Some women closed their eyes, some didn’t and they seemed they had no capacity to do that later.

A sort of a workout? But with that mix of a strong sexual arousal and unavoidability. And the strength of all the feelings. And involuntary shaking of … of anything. Legs, stomach, buttocks.

I was always stunned with what I saw.


One day I was preparing everything, the electrodes and all this stuff and the doctor came without any subject, as she’d say. There were two of us that day.

"Who of you was here yesterday?" asked the doctor.

"Me," I answered instantly.

"Well, I thought it was you. We've got a special experiment today. It's your turn."

"M-my turn?" I was puzzled.

"I think you can prepare everything by yourself ... You know what to do."

I just stared at the doctor. She turned around and started to set up the devices in the room.

"Do you know what is the first thing you say to our clients? PLEASE, UNDRESS. So, go on, please."

Both the doctor and the other nurse looked at me.

"Remember? It's in your contract," the doctor added.

"Me? What!"

"Shall we help you? It takes you about five minutes to prepare the subjects, I think you will need more time with yourself. We can wait, no problem," and she looked at the nurse. She stood up and went closer ...

"No, I think I can ... myself ..." I said softly.

It was incredibly embarrassing to undress in front of my ... colleagues. Yes. This is what they were.

I took the right electrodes, I simply knew what would fit me - isn't it funny? And I put them on the bed. I sat ... no, I had to lie down.

It's cold! I didn't know the vaginal electrode felt so cold even though we kept it at room temperature. And it felt quite ... thick. Did I take the right one?

None of the ladies in the room seemed to pay attention to me. Or ... I felt the nurse look at my breasts occasionally. Isn’t it strange?

Right. I must fix the clitoridal part... I used straps to hold it firmly in place. It felt strange, more and more.

Now ... What was the procedure? The breasts, right. I placed the electrodes and secured them with the tape. I did all these steps as a robot. Not thinking about it. In fact, when I had applied electrodes to the other women, I had always thought about … what would fit for my body? What size of vaginal electrode would I need? How would I stick electrodes to my own breasts?

"Alright, it seems you're almost ready. I think ... Ann, would you tighten the straps for Lyla, please?"

I did all I could, so I just waited.

Wrists. Waist. Knees. Feet.

Finally, Ann - I hadn't heard her name before - came to my head and tightened the strap on my neck. I instinctively opened my mouth and Ann put the ball gag in and that was it.

"I think all of us should know our job thoroughly. From every angle." The doctor was right, I know. Technically.

Did she know it, too?

Ann caressed me on my cheek. I got my headphones and heard nothing from the outer world any more.

The voice started. “This is the experiment number zero one. As you’ve been told, it causes extreme sexual arousal by electricity applied to your sensitive areas. There is nothing to be afraid of. Now, close your eyes …”

I closed my eyes. I didn’t want the doctor or Ann to see my eyes. To know what I feel.

“... and relax. The electric current is increasing to the first peak.”


That was my dream. And my thoughts when I rubbed my … Well, when I was relaxing.

And suddenly, I thought, well, it might be interesting to experience it. This was the next step on my journey, I thought. I realised I want to go through something I can’t avoid. That means, I must be tied down.

First, I programmed the computer. I know I’m extremely aroused when the current increases (or decreases?), so the pattern was simple. 6 seconds increase, 6 seconds hold the level, a sudden decrease to slightly higher level than the previous starting point and the same sequence again. All that on and on for 10 minutes. Electric rape, the doctor from my dream called that.

Second, I needed those straps. I had a lot of velcro straps and I also found straps used to secure loads on … lorries? It was something like that. I tied it all to the corners of my bed.

I attached electrodes. I turned on the computer program, with a 2 minutes delay at the beginning. This should give me enough time to tie myself down.

I attached the velcro straps to my ankles, one to my right arm… But wait! I want the ball gag!

I freed my right hand just on time when the voice started. I turned it all off.

Ball gag.


Right hand.

And the most tricky part. I had to put my left hand through a tight velcro-made restraint. I felt it took me five minutes or more. Did I make it too tight? I was surprised the voice didn’t start … Was it broken?

But it started: “This is the experiment number zero one. As you’ve been told, it causes extreme sexual arousal by electricity applied to your sensitive areas. There is nothing to be afraid of. Now, close your eyes …”

I knew all that from my dream! I closed my eyes.

“... and relax. The electric current is increasing to the first peak.”

It was very slow and I felt electricity first on my breasts, on my nipples. Tingling sensation. But soon it was strong enough on my clit, too. And it was getting stronger and stronger. It should be the peak, I thought. But it wasn’t yet. It increased to a level when my thoughts stopped and I just felt my cunt and breasts tingling strongly.

Then, the intensity dropped a bit. It was such a relief, yet it was still quite strong and it was getting stronger and stronger again.

My thoughts disappeared again as the electricity was reaching another peak.

And another few seconds of relaxation.

It was all very arousing, turning me on, but too much. I tried to move but there was no way out. Also, I wonder whether I’d even be able to think about escaping. To think how to …

Another peak. Stronger than the two before.

To think how to get my left hand out …

Another peak.

I lost sense of time.

Another peak.

Ten or twenty more?

Another peak made my crotch shake. I had no will to do anything against it.

Another peak - no shaking. Alright then, it was just an exception…

My cunt was squeezed by electricity and so were my breasts, even in between the peaks.

Another peak shook my buttocks.

I waited desperately for the short moments when the intensity was lower. Just a few seconds, but all I was able to think was there will be another such moment soon.

I was also terribly horny. More and more …

Another peak.

I wanted to stop it and masturbate, but there was no …

Another strong peak shaking with all my cunt.

It was like someone was holding my cunt and breasts and pushing it, squeezing it, and did it all in the most arousing way.

Another peak.

I was getting used to it. There was nothing around me, I was just my cunt.

Another peak.

Just my cunt being penetrated by the current.

Another peak.

My breasts felt heavy.

Another peak.

And another.

One more.

I felt it would never end.

Another peak. Stronger again.

But after that… it stopped. Artificial voice was explaining I should relax now, or so. I didn’t pay much attention. It took me some time to realise it's over.

I took a deep breath. And another. I felt like it was an hour long session.

All my emotions were sort of mixed. I’m not used to situations when I can’t think, and that was what I experienced. Horny - unable to get out - sore cunt - shaking my crotch - horny - unable to think clearly - unavoidability - horny - heavy breasts - happy it worked as expected - HORNY - numb breasts - VERY HORNY!

I had to get out. Left hand, right hand, ankles, electrodes … and I touched my cunt and it was wet and hot and strangely numb … but it all led to … You know.

That day, I found my new fetish. Pre-programmed sessions where I can’t escape. I wanted more of these. Stronger. Longer  … Yes, stronger!



  1. Thank you. Please, DM me on Twitter.

  2. A very well documented account of the dream and your description of your experience, with excellent details.

    1. The dream ... as it was repeating, my mind added more and more details to it.


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