Chapter 4 - A Huge Ball Between My Legs

Warning: Whatever I write about, don’t try it at home. Never.

My previous blog post made me think about the experiment with the transformer. What do I remember about it? Do I remember any specific feeling?

I’m not really sure, to be honest. I know our brains make up stories and change our memories. I can’t trust my brain in this.

But I think I felt a strong throbbing in my crotch. Not where the electrodes touched my body, but everywhere between them and around them. It was as if there was a huge ball between my legs, squeezed by them and being pushed up to my pussy. Well, I can’t describe it. Not better.

As I said, I’ve never tried that again. I was simply afraid too much.

Well... I thought about using a small mechanical switch being switched on and off by a tiny electric motor. Would that make my body shake? The pulses? Would it be bearable?

I fantasised about it a lot. Just a thought of it makes me … well, you know. I’ve got my hand in my panties now.

But I do overthink everything. And I found out the same problem as with the previous design: what if I were unable to stop it? That’s why I’ve never tried this. I didn't remember how the anal electrode was pushed out and that was scary enough. The experiment was not a success, I didn’t find anything useful. Anything I'd dare to use.

So I was still spending hours using the good old electronics set and experiencing the endless orgasm-like feeling. Whenever I could.

But, the problem lasted: I wanted to experience more current. I wanted it to be stronger, I simply wanted to be forced to orgasm.



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