Chapter 24 - Electrostim Stories or Legends or Whatever

Warning: Whatever I write about, don’t try it at home. Never.

There are some strange or interesting things related to electrostim I’ve heard about or even seen live. And I still remember them because of … because of … I found it useful or strange, or even arousing. First and second hand experiences, or third hand ones, sometimes. I think one chapter of my blog should be about them.

Warning no. 2: it will be a total mix of everything. I’ll write anything that will come to my mind.

Number 1

I’ve heard about a girl who wanted to cross an electric fence, you know, just the poles and a wire, the one used on farms to keep cattle or so in their place. It was a nice summer day and so she wore just a dress, no underwear, no panties. And she was very cautious - she used her bag to hold the wire down a bit so she could cross it, but it slipped and went up right to her naked crotch. She was a bit masochistic, so after a thought and a lot of masturbation, she went to the same place the next day. And it wasn’t an accident any more.

Or, is this an urban legend?

Number 2

I used to chat with a girl who wore a chastity belt 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Sometimes, she wore a chastity device on her breasts, too.

When I told her I liked electric stimulation, she said she would never try that again. Why? Because her dom used it on her once. She used a needle (a needle!) in her clit and an insertable vaginal electrode. When the current was turned on, it was so painful the girl fainted immediately and fell to the floor.

Later, she was told the level was very low and that was unexpected. I think the needle (Could you imagine a needle in your clit?) hit “the right” spot and the concentrated current was simply too much.

Number 3

The needles. I’ve heard that using needles as electrodes is painful (I’d expect this) and the subject cannot localise the pain. I don’t know whether this is true, I will never try, I don’t like the idea of needles at all.

By the way, I’ve heard about some people experimenting with inserting needles in the milk ducts in nipples. Not for me, anyway - needles involved.

Number 4

Needles again. I’ve heard about a girl who had a sort of an electric massage device or something like that. And she used it with needles as electrodes. I was told that she wanted to experience electrostim one day. She put needles in their places (I wonder what these were) and turned the device on. Unfortunately, the intensity knob was set to “high” and she experienced something like “being pinned to the ceiling” (she said, in her own words).

Sharp edges concentrate the current and needles or similar objects are very sharp. Pain is not what I’m looking for.

Number 5

One of my friends wanted to try how electrostim felt. She has the biggest boobs I've ever seen, but it has nothing to do with the story.

In one of our experiments I put electrodes on her labia and increased the current quite a lot. It flowed through her vaginal opening and I remember her being surprised she couldn’t feel anything inserted in her vagina. She could see it, or feel the pressure on her body when applied, but she was totally unaware whether the dildo was inside or not without looking.

I know this feeling quite well, too. Electricity causes sensitive - or any - areas to go numb.

Number 6

Strangely enough for me, I read about girls who had a chance to test electrostim devices and they just tried it once and never returned to it. Would you believe it?

One of the stories I remember. The girl put electrodes in her bra cups and the other one, she didn’t feel like having it inside, in her vagina, so she put it freely in her panties. And as she moved while she was lying on her back, the electrode moved here and there and when it reached her clit, it made her orgasm. She couldn’t stop it, or avoid it.

Number 7

I’ve read a lot about military telephones. You know, those with handles to turn. I’ve heard it could make people jump high off the ground, make people shake, make men ejaculate and whatever.

I was told the actual current is very low, minimal so it is not dangerous (well, anything could be dangerous, of course). But the application is probably incredibly painful. Pure pain. And this is what stops me when I start thinking about getting one of those telephones.

Anyway, I don’t know much about it, yet. I’m just fascinated by the stories.

Number 8

Online, I’ve met a girl who liked hard electric torture. Very similar to me, in many ways. But she realised self-torture was not enough for her and … Recently she said maybe it’s not enough for me any more, too. The SELF-torture I practice.

I still need to think about this. How do I feel about it all? Why do I like it? What exactly do I like about it?

Number 9

I chatted with a girl who had an electrostim device and with her female friend they sort of trained their vaginas to endure higher and higher intensity. Every time they met they turned the knob more to the right.

I was fascinated with this story. I don’t know why.

Number 10

I’ve never tried a taser or electric paralyser or a stun gun or something like that. But I can't forget a story about a guy who got one and wanted to test it before his dom arrived. So he pressed the button and … It seemed he spent quite some time lying helplessly on the floor and being shocked constantly because he was unable to stop it. Finally, he dropped it somehow.

I wonder how this would feel.

Number 11

I’m not much into searching electrostim porn on the internet (there’s a lot of fake electrostim videos anyway). But I remember one video where a girl had electrodes on her ears. I’ve got no idea about the whole setup (I don’t think it was ear to ear) but I do remember her shaking when the current was on.

And I will always remember her face.

I’ve read stories about this but I’ve never tried it. Too scared. (Below your waist only! Well, I’m afraid because of … What could this do to my brain?)

Number 12

There are people out there who are fascinated by electric chairs. And there are people who do have electric chairs and use these even with head electrodes. Head to leg setup, or head to genitalia setup.

I didn’t expect I would find anything like this on the internet. Below your waist only, everybody says.

I’m puzzled, to be honest.

But I’m also afraid of myself because somewhere in my mind I find this idea very arousing. Perverted.

Number 13

Electrosex. Finally, you might say.

Well, many people are curious about electrosex, or to be more specific - electro-coitus. Well, I know quite a bit about it. I think I’ll tell you more in one of my next blog posts.



  1. #1) Likely an urban legend. I touched an electric fence once by accident and pee'ed on it intentionally. I'd liken it to what I believe a jolt from a field telephone magneto would feel like. I've been stimming using homebuilt & commercial for literally decades sometimes very hard... Nothing since, fortunately, has compared to the electric fence. No wonder cattle stay put!

    #7) See above. Understand they were used for torture. There is a device used on bulls to force them to give semen. A large jolt is delivered to their prostate causing immediate ejaculation. Understand if works on men as well... but is something other than satisfying.

    #8) I like it as well. Something sexually satisfying to see how much I can endure... and exciting & frightening knowing that the power on my Estim box can go A LOT higher. I've been tortured via genital estim remotely via the internet. While not the same as in-person while restrained there is something strangely exciting about beyond pushed to and beyond what are often self-imposed limits.

    1. #1 I've chatted with a guy who has bought a power source for an electric fence and uses it to shock himself. Pre-set timer, 5 or 9 seconds ... maybe that should be my #14

      #7 There are lots of people who like practices I would not call "satisfying" ...

      #8 I see no point playing with electrostim over internet. I don't find it attractive at all. But I know lots of people find it very arousing and it's used and enjoyed by many.


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