Chapter 17 - Mary Controlled My Electric Orgasm

Warning: Whatever I write about, don’t try it at home. Never.

One of my most interesting and surprising electrostim experiences are related to a girl … let’s call her Mary.

I used to chat with various people over the internet and sometimes I probably mentioned electrostim. And that girl - Mary - asked about it more and more and finally we decided we could meet - we lived in the same town - and try it.

She arrived late at night and … and she asked me to show it to her.

I thought she wanted to know how it feels!

Show it?

Yes. She really asked me to show her how it makes me orgasm.

I’ve never thought about anything like this. I hesitated a lot … I was incredibly nervous about it … but something inside me … well, was it my submissive part? Something inside me … It made me do it.

I got naked …

I prepared the electrodes …

I attached them to my cunt … and to my boobs …

And she was watching it all, sitting next to me on my bed. She wanted to learn how it works … It was so embarrassing! Naked, electrodes on my cunt and in my bra …

And then I lied down on my stomach (this is the position I love the most) and I turned the current on. I started to increase the intensity slowly …

It made me sigh …

It’s so embarrassing! Yet so erotic. Sexy. Humiliating.

I increased it more and more …

She told me my buttocks started to shake. I didn’t know. I didn’t care. I was in my nearly orgasmic state …

It was so strange to orgasm next to her. I mean in this not very common way. Just turning the knob and sighing and moaning and … climaxing.

Even writing about it now makes me feel … horny.

It was her turn then.

She didn’t like the feeling in her breasts, she got rid of the electrodes instantly. But she loved the current flowing through her cunt. She said she’d get easily used to it and that it was much better than all the vibrators she had, because it didn’t rub her skin physically and such stimulation could last much longer.

I made her orgasm.

Next time, she came with an idea she would make me orgasm.

It was a shock for me. Unexpected. But again, something inside me said, well, this is what I wanted. And I remember me being naked, electrodes attached, legs spread so she can watch my cunt … and the knob … Mary controlled it!

She was very gentle. She touched me here and there and I think she tried to understand what I felt and what aroused me and … At one occasion, she also tried to touch my cunt and arouse me more by that but I didn’t feel it much as the current went through me. It’s just that current and nothing more. I just saw her hand and I felt how she pushed on my body or so but there was no feeling of the touch. The current won over touching.

And suddenly … I told her I would orgasm. That I can’t stop it. And she carefully decreased the intensity and the orgasm was even bigger because of this.

She did this two times to me, the other session was much longer … She touched me again with her hand and it was more like teasing and provocation that time …. She already knew I couldn’t feel it. I think she learnt what to do really fast and well.

My second electric orgasm was even stronger. And she didn't decrease the intensity and waited ... Aaah!

And then she asked me to swap. I attached electrodes to her and … she liked that again.

But she was still in command. I felt like she controlled me. And I liked that. She showed to me how my submissive part might look like.

We talked about next sessions … me being stimulated by electricity and forced to make her orgasm by electrostim, too. Isn’t it arousing?!

But that has never happened. She changed her job and moved quite far away.

But Mary opened up a totally new area for me. Unknown humiliation and forced orgasms controlled by someone else. I’m glad I experienced that.



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