Chapter 15 - Being Kanae

Warning: Whatever I write about, don’t try it at home. Never.

Alright, as you can see I don’t have much time to post very often. And the topics in my head pile up more and more. But here’s another story of mine.

Some time ago, I realised it might be interesting to experience what the characters in my, well, let’s say favourite movies experience. My first thought was about Kanae. Do you know the series called Euphoria? A sort of anime? And the scene with a chair?

The idea: I watch the movie, or that one interesting (arousing!) scene, and simultaneously, the signal goes to my power box and to … to my body. To my most sensitive areas, you know.

So far I’ve prepared audio files to go with 3 or 4 movies. I mean, the movies, or the scenes, where a character is subjected to electric stimulation. The signal is not just the stimulation part, but when electrodes are attached, there are small peaks in the signal and I can feel it together with the main character.

I haven’t tried that for ages … Till last week, or the week before? Well, recently, I decided to try it once again.

I love that scene with Kanae! So my choice was pretty simple.

I haven’t got a big chair with armrests, so I took a simple old wooden chair instead.

Electrodes … on my breasts, because I love the feeling in them. But the main electrodes were under my chastity belt. I must admit I love it more and more. It’s such a perfect device to hold everything in place! And the stainless steel look … I simply love it.

I also got used to the inflatable gag. Again, it looks cool, leather and latex. But it also feels … That’s quite strange. I like to have my mouth full. “Forcibly”. I always look forward to the feeling.

I used my velcro straps to tie my ankles to the chair. I also created a tight loop at the back side so I could slip my hands in it - well, not really slip. It’s never so easy, which means, it’s never so easy to get out of it.

Ok, everything seemed to be ready.

My computer screen was ready in front of me so I could watch the scene.

Electrodes, gag, straps, computer … I clicked the mouse. I had 2 minutes to get into the helpless position.

I inflated the gag … Have I said I love the feeling?

I put my right hand in the loop behind the chair, held the straps and slowly started to sneak in with my left hand.

Heart rate monitor! I totally forgot about it. Again.

But I was so keen to “be Kanae” that I decided to go on without the monitor. Anyway, the simulation could start anytime soon.

And it started.

The current was pretty strong even at the moment when Kanae stripped naked. My problem was I knew the scene so well. I knew what’s next. The nipple clamps.


And another one and the clamp on Kanae’s clit. Oh! That was … a strong feeling!

And the dildos. These were another peaks.

I realised I closed my eyes sometimes. I just listened to the Japanese conversation and … Kei-Chan turned the current on.

Both my boobs and cunt started tingling very strongly. Buzzing? I can’t find the right words for it.

This was what I loved, I said to myself … I opened my eyes and watched Kanae being explained that it didn’t hurt, but that she liked it. She liked the current.

I liked the current.

And Kei-Chan turned the current up again.

My cunt was sort of squeezed suddenly.

It felt good. I liked the current, I said to myself again.

I was not watching the scene any more. I knew the current would get higher soon. I was busy “processing” my feelings.

Suddenly, both Kanae and I screamed as the current got stronger again. Well, my gag prevented me from screaming but I would definitely scream.

My cunt was rubbed hard by the current and my boobs felt heavy. That happens to me sometimes. Electric augmentation? I wonder how such feelings work.

But I had less and less capacity to think clearly. Again, I was in a state when I was no more than my cunt and my boobs and that was all. All other feelings were suppressed. There was a strong pressure and rubbing on my cunt, in all my crotch, and I had incredibly heavy boobs.

I felt like I couldn't move. I felt like I was stuck to the chair. I was just breathing and feeling how the current flows through my most sensitive areas.

My legs started to shake sometimes.

I opened my eyes just at the moment when Kei-Chan said something like “there’s only one way to find out” and he turned the knob again. To the highest intensity.

My legs started to shake, I couldn’t stop it willfully. And it made my now extremely heavy breasts jiggle a bit but I didn’t feel it, I just saw it.

I closed my eyes.

Somehow, I remembered Kanae squirted … and there was of course another increase in the intensity to simulate it soon.

I’d scream aloud. I was simply my cunt and my boobs stuck to the chair. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t think.

Electric orgasm lasting for an hour.

I know it takes just a few seconds in the movie but it felt like ages.

And it was over suddenly.

It took me some time to realise the current is off. The feeling of pressure on my cunt and boobs was disappearing very slowly. I started to breathe deeply but I still felt stuck to the chair.

I’ve got no idea huch much time I spent on the chair before I freed my hands and … and had a shower finally.

The simulation wasn’t as expected. I just saw a few seconds of the scene synchronised with what I was experiencing. The rest of the time, my eyes were closed and I was busy with my feelings.

Thinking about these feelings makes me … well, I think I should repeat it soon.


The audio file used could be downloaded here (Google Drive). Please note it is a mono audio file (not a stereo one).


  1. Sounds delightful!!! You're on the path to a VR-like experience. I believe this is will be available in our personally crafted West World's.

    1. Personally crafted West World? What do you mean by that?

    2. Westworld - TV/Movie series of living in a world of humanoid robots that fulfill every human fantasy.


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