Chapter 7 - Electric Kisses

Warning: Whatever I write about, don’t try it at home. Never.

I know the basics. You should not play with electricity with any other person as you never know what the current path might look like. The electrodes should be fixed and just on a single person.

But ... I experienced electric kisses.

I used to have a girlfriend and she agreed to play with electricity with me. And it may sound funny and pathetic? But I'll never forget the first electric kiss.

We both had our electrodes ... well, we had inserted our anal electrodes. It was practical, it left all the important areas free for experiments.

And what I remember was when we set it all up and then we kissed. The power box was already on and the intensity was very very low and yet I felt it. It was very different from a normal kiss. It was like ... there was a taste of steel? Sounds strange, but it was similar to licking a steel electrode.

My gf said she didn't feel it at all. Was it just in my head? All the expectations? I enjoyed the moment very much. It lasted hours, in my head. Slow motion. Tingling feeling. But it was just a minute in reality, I know.

Though I was curious and I kind of liked the stronger current, my gf found it always too strong. She said she felt it in her teeth - whatever “it” was, she didn’t like it and we never experimented with that again.

I experienced electric kissing two more times. Well, you can’t kiss with anybody, you know. That’s why just two times. Or, that’s three times in total.

How was it? My friends always found it … they didn’t like it. Too strong. Or it was scary for them. Or, we found simply something more pleasant, more arousing. And that was the purpose of the session, wasn’t it?

I think I liked it … or better, I was too curious how would a stronger current feel that I ignored if it was unpleasant, or strange. That curiosity is probably a very important driver in my case.

To be honest, I’m not keen to try it again. But who knows. Something like that always happens unexpectedly. Unplanned. As a surprise. A good one, next time? Maybe.

Before that, I want a stronger current. A stronger feeling. Overwhelming - that's the word.



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