Chapter 6 - What About Titties?

Warning: Whatever I write about, don’t try it at home. Never.

Everybody is asking me about electrostim and breasts. Can you make them twitch? Could you electrify your cups? So this post is going to be about titties.

Titties and electricity.

Everybody says never play with electricity above your waist. Please, do follow this rule.

But I just can't help myself. Honestly, it's so tempting. And attractive. I played with - mostly the nipples - nearly from the very start.

But it was not as easy as I'd wished. I didn't know where I could get flat electrodes, or pads, so I used bigger stainless steel washers instead. One would say, the hole could fit on nipples, but I never used it that way. (Would it look good? Shall I try this?) It didn't work, of course. The nipples don't get wet with arousal. So, I had to add a piece of cloth soaked in salt water between the nipple and the washer. And that was amazing!

How does it feel? Wonderful. But I admit, again, it's just how my brain sees that. I've loved that from the very first moment. It can't make me climax (or could it?), but it adds ... something I'd be missing.

The soaked pieces of cloth didn't stay wet for a long time and so I learned the current is not just a pleasant tingling feeling. It could also be something like rubbing my nipples hard. VERY hard. Like rubbing gainst a concrete wall? It felt more and more like that.

Sometimes it happened when I was very close to my loved electric orgasm, and so I tried to bear the feeling. I tried to ignore it. And my nipples were sore for quite a long time afterwards. But it was always worth it. (But painful, or over-sensitive even the day after!)

Later, I got pads. The first set of these arrived with my new gadget. A special power box for e-stim, with about ten programs for stimulation. But I've never been a fan of single pulses it produces. I prefer something more ... steady? Smooth? Anyway, I tried this on my breasts, mostly on nipples. If you think the pulses make breasts twitch, it could, but the current should go through muscles. That means you should place electrodes more to the sides. Or above breasts. But the feeling - it's never been anything I've enjoyed.

But I admit it's also possible my breasts were twitching sometimes and I didn't notice. Because ... I remember a friend of mine who loved experimenting with electricity (I'll write about her more later, I promise). I remember I saw electricity made her breasts move, and I told her so. What's interesting, she didn't know about it. Strange things happen.

By the way, I mentioned my friend. She's a good example of how electricity, or electrostim, is perceived differently. Unlike me, she loved the pulses on her breasts and I think it even used to make her climax. It was perfect for an electric foreplay.

So ... I've discovered I like electric tingling on my nipples, but I wanted more. Could I spread the fantastic tingling feeling into all my breasts, not just the nipples? That would be cool, wouldn't it?



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